How to Follow a Section in the Nerdio Knowledge Base

Over the course of time Nerdio articles will be added and changed as features and enhancements are released.  The following instructions will allow you to receive notifications when these changes or additions occur to help with keeping information current and timely.

From the section where the articles are being kept there will be a follow button on the right side of the screen (to the right of the knowledge base section bread crumbs).


Select the follow button and choose new articles.


If you are new to the Nerdio Knowledge Base follow the instructions in the prompt to setup a new account.  If you have already signed up and are not currently signed in, please login with your credentials.

After completing your account creation and/or signing in, you will now be following the section.  Any changes or additions will notify the email address associated with your Nerdio Knowledge Base account. 



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