Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) Professional and Enterprise users only.
During "Power off & set as image" via the Nerdio Admin Portal or pool/collection creation in Nerdio for Azure the following occurs:
- Power off the pool's template VM
- Clone the OS disk and create a new temporary VM (Pool-A00-Temp for example)
- Power on the new temp VM
- Remove local user accounts to prevent Sysprep failing due to any per-user modern apps
- Run Sysprep /generalize command on the temp VM
- The NAP waits for a successful sysprep and shutsdown the temp VM
- Capture the VM as image
- Delete the old image and replace it with the new one
- Delete temporary VM
****Please note, sysprep should never be run manually/directly on a Golden Image, Collection or AVD pool template. Nerdio takes care of those steps for you! ****
If the template shutdown and sysprep process are successful, your template's timestamp will update to the current date/time or your AVD Pool/collection will successfully be created.
If the "Power off & set as image" process ends with an ERROR state, and the NAP logs show a sysprep error (Logs>Management task), then the Sysprep process failed and the OS did not shut itself down automatically, as it would have had the Sysprep /generalize process completed successfully.
To determine the cause of the Sysprep failure follow these steps:
- Shutdown the template again or attempt to provision the pool/collection again
- Review the NAP's server module, looking for the temp VM created, record this IP address (should display in the NAP)
- RDP into FS01/DC01 as a domain admin
- Map to the temp VM: \\<temp VM IP>\C$ (should look like \\\c$ if the temp VM's IP is
- Review Sysprep log found here: C:\windows\system32\sysprep\panther\setupact.log
- Start from the bottom and look for the last (chronologically) ERROR and work your way up
- This should help you determine what prevented Sysprep from completing
- This is often an Appx (Windows Store) package that was installed for a user, but not all users. This link may help with the removal of the package:
- Wait for this attempt to fail after reviewing the logs and determining the cause
- Power on your template/Golden image correct/review or removal of the culprit
- Attempt setting this template again or creating a new pool/collection.
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