Microsoft announced the retirement of Azure "classic alerts".
Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) Enterprise users only.
Refer this KB article to determine if you are a NFA user.
Changes to auto-scale thresholds
- 1 Minute
- 5 Minutes
- 15 Minutes
- 30 Minutes
- 60 Minutes
To prepare for these changes, please make sure that you put a reminder on your calendars to re-set these thresholds based on the new predefined values. By default, if you make no changes, these values will be set to 15 minutes to add a host and 15 minutes to remove a host.
New Feature! Pre-stage RDS session hosts
Nerdio auto-scale settings allow you to specify a minimum number of active hosts as well as a number of standby hosts. This works well for most scenarios where users log in over a period of time in the morning, allowing time for the RDS collection to scale out with increasing demand. As a result, many partners select 1 as the minimum number of active hosts to maximize cost savings.
However, for scenarios in which there is not a gradual increase of users over time, but rather a sudden burst of login activity in the morning, auto-scale may not be able to keep up with demand. To remedy this, partners selected the minimum number of RDS hosts that could meet that initial demand, which in many cases was more than 1. This resulted in more Azure spend during non-peak hours.
In order to increase the efficiency of RDS collections, we have introduced a new feature to pre-stage any number of hosts for your RDS collection environment. This feature can be accessed via the "Manage auto-scale" option under RDS Collections:
In the Auto-Scale settings, you will find the new options to Pre-Stage hosts.
With this setting, you can now keep your minimum server count at the number of servers needed to support off-peak usage as well as set a minimum number of hosts that need to be available at a specified time in order to meet rapid login demand. This will allow maximum cost savings without impacting the end-user experience at login.
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