I Cannot RDP into a Server

 Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) ProfessionalEnterprise and Core User Only.

Remote Desktop Services have been known to be interrupted by some Windows Updates.  This can manifest itself as an error like the one below, an unresponsive connection to your remote gateway or various other connection errors depending on the system you are connecting from.


 To Correct this error and bring the services back online, please follow these steps:

  1. RDP into another server in your Nerdio For Azure (NFA) environment as an administrator.
  2. From Windows Explorer, navigate to \\(servername)\C$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto   Where (Servername) is the server you are unable to RDP into.
  3. Right click the "RSA" folder in \\(servername)\C$\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto and click properties
  4. Click the Security Tab
  5. Click "Advanced"
  6. Click the Checkbox at the bottom of the Permissions tab labeled "Replace All Child Object Permission Entries with Inheritable Permission Entries From this Object" and click Apply

Note: You may encounter some locked files that you cannot apply permissions to, this is OK, you can click "continue" on any prompt during the permission application.

This example is applying the permissions to the RDSH01 server:


  1. Click OK
  2. Test an RDP connection to the server that was giving the error previously

If this does not resolve your RDP connection issues please feel free to contact us.



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