How Do I Install a LOB Application for My RDS Users?

Applies to: Nerdio For Azure (NFA) Profesional and Enterprise customers only

Nerdio helps Enterprises improve its operational efficiency by provisioning critical Line-of-business (LOB) applications from a common system. As these LOB applications connect multiple systems, users and business units of your organization, you will want to install them on an RDS server. In Nerdio, we refer to RDS servers using the naming convention RDSHxx. For example, every Nerdio account will have an RDS server named RDSH01. You can clone and have more than one RDS servers, or even set up an RDS Collection. Let us understand the steps to install a LOB application on RDSH01. 

Note: NFA Core plan does not support RDS desktops, RDSH01 servers or RDGW01 or RDS collections

To install a LOB application for your RDS users

Log in to Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) as shown below:


You will be directed to the "Accounts" page. Locate the account you provisioned and click Login button as shown below:



Once you have logged into the account you provisioned, click Servers from the main menu on the left as shown below:



Scroll down and locate RDS server, for example, RDSH01. Click Generate RDP file button as shown below:



Follow the steps below to generate an RDP file in order to connect to the RDS server. Click the Download button as shown below:



Click Save File option to save the RDSH01.rdp file as shown below:



Go to the Downloads folder of your local machine and double-click the RDSH01.rdp file to launch the remote desktop connection client. Click Connect button as shown below:



Enter you credentials on the login window as shown below:


Nerdio Tip
  • Make sure you login as an IT admin to gain full access to RDS server

Once you login to the server, you will see a screen similar to this one:


Since you logged in with admin privileges, you can now install the desired LOB application(s) on RDS server by following the standard install instructions for the application. And all users connecting to the RDS server will have access to these applications.

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