Backup Overview

Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA)


Nerdio's backup module helps you to protect and restore your data in the Microsoft cloud. The Backup  module replaces your existing on-premises or off-site backup solution with a cloud-based solution that is reliable, secure, and cost-effective. Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) can backup your Nerdio desktops and servers on a nightly basis. All backups are performed around 1 a.m. (primary Azure region) and retained for 30 days. You can restore individual servers and user desktops. NAP automatically adds all new desktops and servers to the nightly backup routine. NAP uses use Azure Backup stack v2 for backups.
NAP supports two types of backups:
  • Locally-redundant: In this case, backups are maintained in the same Azure region as server and desktop VMs
  • Geo-redundant: In this case, backups are maintained in the same Azure region as server and desktop VMs as well as in a different region

To navigate to Backup module

  1. Sign in to Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) as an IT admin and login to your account. From the main menu expand the "Backup & DR" menu option:Backup_and_DR.png

  2. Click "In-region backup":Inregion_backup.png

  3. You will be directed to the "In-region backup" page. By default, the backup option will be disabled:Backup_off.png

  4. Move the slider to the right to enable the in-region backup setting. At the time of enabling in-region backup, NAP will ask you to select between Locally-redundant backup and Geo-redundant backup. Choose the desired checkbox as shown below and click the "Confirm" button:Enable_backup.png

  5. Once you enable the "In-region" backup setting, NAP will begin taking a backup of your Nerdio desktops and servers on a nightly basis. You can also view the next backup scheduled date under this section:

  6. You can view the status of all your desktops and servers under "Backup activity" section. For each VM you can either select Backup now or Remove from backup option:Backup_activity_new.png

  7. You can view the details of backup and restore tasks under the "Backup and restore tasks" section:Backup_restore_tasks.png

Note: When restoring a Windows AD-joined PC back to a time in the past, depending on how far back you restore to, it is sometimes necessary to fix the domain trust and/or rejoin the machine to the domain. This is a normal Windows requirement, and if you find it necessary we have found these instructions to be ideal: 

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