Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) users only.
If your current Nerdio For Azure account is on a Core or Professional plan and you'd like to upgrade this plan, please follow the steps below. For an overview of each plan, please click HERE.
Step 1: Login to the Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) with a Partner Administrator account.
Step 2: Find the customer you'd like to upgrade and click the menu button on the right. Here you will find the upgrade option, click this.
Step 3: You will be presented with an upgrade screen. Please choose the plan you would like to upgrade to and click confirm. This will begin the upgrade processes and tasks.
Please Note: If an option is unavailable (Greyed out) hover your mouse over this option. You will be presented the reason for this option not being available. Typically for Upgrades this will indicate a lack of cores on the Azure subscription such as a "Free Trial" in Azure.
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