How Do I Check the Status of My Account and What Does It Indicate?

Applies to: Nerdio For Azure (NFA) and Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) Managed Service Partners (MSPs)


How do I check the status of my account? And what does it indicate?


To check the status of your account:

  1. Login to Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) as an IT admin
  2. Go to the account's page and look for the column "STATUS":


Now let us look at how to interpret the status of your account. The status of your Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) account could either be:

  • FREE_TRIAL: If you have just signed up for a Nerdio account, the status of your account will show as "FREE TRIAL" for the first fourteen days
  • PENDING_CANCEL: If you have signed up for a Nerdio account and the trial has expired, your account status will be changed to "PENDING_CANCEL".
  • ACTIVE: If you have purchased a valid NPC license and your account is up and running, it will be in "ACTIVE" state

The status of your Nerdio for Azure (NFA) account could either be:

  • DELETED: If you have destroyed the account, it will be in DELETED state for sometime until it is removed from the Nerdio database.
  • DELETING: If you have selected to destroy account after clicking Destroy button, the status will show as "DELETING"
  • PROVISIONING: If you have started creating/provisioning an account, the status will show as "PROVISIONING"
  • UPGRADING: If you have selected to upgrade account after clicking Upgrade button, the status will show as "UPGRADING"
  • DORMANT:If there has been no management activity (excluding automated tasks) past thirty days, it will show as "DORMANT"
  • INACTIVE: If there has no management activity (excluding automated tasks), it will show as "INACTIVE"
  • DISCONNECTED: If your account's Azure or M365 connection is broken or the token has expired, it will show as "DISCONNECTED"
  • STALE: If your account's AD cache is not current, it will show as "STALE"
  • ACTIVE: If your account is up and running and is neither in any one of the above statuses, it will be in "ACTIVE" state
Nerdio Tip
  • If your account is either in DORMANT, INACTIVE, DISCONNECTED or STALE state, you will see a "Help icon" next to the status. Hovering on the "help icon" will display more information about the account status.

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