What Is IUL?

Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) partners

Managed Service Providers (MSPs) can sign up for a free 30 day trial of Nerdio for Azure (NFA). Once the trial is complete, MSPs are required to sign up as as Nerdio partner to continue using NFA. Signed Nerdio partners can then take advantage of Nerdio's Internal Use License (IUL) program.

The IUL program allows a Nerdio partner to get free Nerdio resources for their own use in their organization. We want our partners to have complete confidence in the product they are selling to their customers by using it for themselves.

The IUL program works as follows:

1. Partner can designate any one NFA account as an IUL account. It can be Core, Pro or Enterprise account.
2. Partner can designate a NFA account as an IUL account by clicking "Designate as IUL" button on Accounts screen:
3. Partner can designate another NFA account as the IUL account at any point.
4. Ability to designate an account as IUL account will be available to partner admins only. It will not be available to partner’s Tier 2 support, Tier 1 support and billing admin users.
5. When IUL account is destroyed it’s up to the partner to designate another account as IUL .
6. If a NFA Professional or Enterprise account is designated as an IUL account, the partner will get 10 free desktop users.
7. If a NFA Core account is designated as an IUL account, partner will get that Core account for free.
8. Nerdio Admin Portal will display "IUL" next to license on Accounts screen to indicate the account is an IUL account. 

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