***Article Formally Titled: AVD Windows 10 Ent Update to 2004 - ***Alert***
We have found in several tests that the following process performed on your AVD Pool template and/or Golden Image (AVDSH00/WS00) has allowed successful deployments of hosts and dedicated AVD instances to Windows 2004/20H2 in Nerdio for Azure Environments.
Here are those steps:
1. Ensure a backup of the AVD Pool template or Golden Image (AVDSH00/WS00) has been taken
2. Run all updates on the template/Golden Image including the Win10 2004/20H2 update and verify there are no pending updates completing by restarting the VM.
3. From an elevated command prompt run "winrm quickconfig". Here's that output:
4. Run the following command in PowerShell. If any results are returned, see the steps below for removing Microsoft app packages before proceeding:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where-object {$_.Name -like "*cortana*" -or $_.Name -like "*ppip*" -or $_.Name -like "*input*"} | Select name | sort name
5. Reboot VM
6. Shutdown the template/Golden Image via the NAP to set as image
Your image should now have the Win10 2004/20H2 update installed
Please note that there have been some known sysprep errors regarding Microsoft packages and the 2004 update. Please see this thread for details if you run into a sysprep error setting your image:
Here's a summary of those steps from the link above that can be run on your template if you are running into a sysprep error, PLEASE VERIFY A BACKUP HAS BEEN TAKEN OF YOUR TEMPLATE OR GOLDEN IMAGE:
1. Download the AppxDBEditor tool to the Template/Golden Image to C:\temp and extract this
- https://github.com/SoftSonic83/AppxDBEditor/
2. Edit the AppxDBditor AppxPackageList.txt to target the following packages:
# Modern UI Dialog-App for entering Japanese Characters
# App to project the Screen to a Wireless Display
# Cortana
3. Run the AppxDBEditor.cmd
- "M" is the option to modify these packages
4. Open a powershell command line as administrator
5. Run the following to remove the packages:
6. From that same command prompt check for these packages to ensure they are no longer present via this command:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | where-object {$_.Name -like "*cortana*" -or $_.Name -like "*ppip*" -or $_.Name -like "*input*"} | Select name | sort name
7. Power down template to set as image.
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