How Do I Reset Password for a User?


Applies to: All Nerdio For Azure (NFA) Professional and Enterprise customers and Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) partners

When you first sign up a user for a Nerdio for Azure (NFA) or Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) desktop, you provide an email address and password to the user. These are their login credentials to Nerdio desktop. There are a few options for you as an IT Administrator to reset the password for a user.

  1. If the user is logged into their desktop, have them press CTRL-ALT-INS (equivalent of CTRL-ALT-DEL/END) and click on Change Password.
  2. If the user is not logged into their desktop, have them log in and then do step 1.
  3. NPC ONLY: If the user is not able to log in then direct user to Password Reset portal (https://ids[four digit code] and have user follow on-screen prompts.  It’s best to take control over the computer at this point and walk the user through it. See this KB article for detailed steps.
  4. If user doesn’t have access to the Password Reset portal or doesn’t have a mobile phone or passcode set up, log in to Nerdio Admin Portal and manually reset password for the user from the User management module following steps below:

Log in to Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP) as an IT admin as shown below:


On the Home page, log in to the account (say 5103) as shown below:


On the accounts page, select Users tab from the main menu as shown below:



You will be directed to Manage Users screen. Select the user account for which you wish to reset the password and click the corresponding "Reset password" option as shown below:


You will be prompted to enter a new password as shown below:


If you click option Show, NAP will display the password as you type it. You can click option Hide if you don't wish to see the new password.

If you click option Generate, NAP will dynamically generate a password for the user account.

Click Confirm button once you enter your new password.

Note: Nerdio enforces certain password complexity rules to protect your account :

A password must contain 7 characters, 3 of which are from the following categories:

  • Uppercase characters
  • Lowercase characters
  • Digits
  • Special characters: ~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|(){}[]:;"'<>,.?/

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