How to Authenticate a User if the User Doesn’t Have a Registered Mobile Number


Applies to: Nerdio For Azure (NFA) and Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) Performance and Enterprise customers

By default, Nerdio supports two-factor authentication for all its Nerdio For Azure (NFA) customers and Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) Performance and Enterprise customers. 

Nerdio users that provide their phone number (in the Mobile number field shown below) will be automatically enrolled for two-factor authentication



In case you don’t have a mobile number, you may register a landline number, as a primary number on your Nerdio account. Nerdio will attempt to authenticate you in the following manner:

    1. First, Nerdio will attempt to send a passcode (as an SMS) to your primary number
    2. It will wait for 30 seconds for you to enter the passcode from your mobile on the following screen and then timeout 


    3. In case Nerdio fails to send the passcode or you don’t enter the passcode, it will make a voice call to your primary number, wait for 30 seconds for you to answer the call and then timeout
    4. You can also add a landline number as your secondary phone number. This must be done by an IT Admin in SMS PASSCODE. Nerdio will try to send the passcode to the secondary number, wait for 30 seconds for you to enter the passcode and then timeout
    5. In case Nerdio fails to send the passcode to your secondary number or you don’t enter the passcode, it will make a voice call to your secondary number, wait for 30 seconds for you to answer the call and then timeout
    6. If no input is received in any of the above scenarios, the system will deny the login


  1. You will receive all messages/calls regarding Nerdio authentication from SMS PASSCODE service number (424) 337-1337.
  2. In case you are not receiving any messages/calls from the SMS PASSCODE service, please check whether you have inadvertently blocked the number
  3. You may have sent a STOP, STOPALL, UNSUBSCRIBE, CANCEL, END or QUIT message to the SMS PASSCODE service and accidentally blocked it.
  4. To unblock the service, you need to send a new message to SMS PASSCODE service with START, YES or UNSTOP message.
  5. In case you have subscribed to the SMS PASSCODE service, however, are still not receiving any messages, it could be due to issues related to your country, carrier, or cell phone network restrictions. For example, there are some known issues using this service in India due to the government's limitations on unsolicited texts.


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