Considerations When Moving Resources to a New Subscription with a Different CSP

Applies to: Nerdio for Azure (NFA) Professional and Enterprise users only. Core User Only.

Refer this KB article to determine which type of user you are.

Standard Microsoft Recommendation
When you are moving a subscription to a new CSP, you may be asked by the new CSP or Microsoft to delete backups before moving your infrastructure. They may ask you to follow the instructions below:

If you currently have backups enabled in the environment, deleting those backups and transferring to a new Azure subscription can become a serious liability.  As a result, Nerdio advises a slightly different migration option in order to retain the backups.

Nerdio Best Practice to Retain Backups
Contrary to some of the guidance and best practice from Microsoft, Nerdio's current recommendation is to avoid performing the soft delete functions and proceed with a complete transfer of the vault with the backup data. 

This is possible if the CSP removes the resources specific to the restore points located in restorePointCollections.  By performing the removal of those instant recovery points, which can take up to an hour to delete, the backup data will remain in the vault and will be migrated.  By using this method it is not necessary to stop backups and the VM can be transferred to the target resource group.  

This proven method will allow for a smooth transition without creating any backup liabilities as those resources move to the new subscription.

The following link clarifies the process and confirms that it is safe to delete restore points in collection objects when migrating VM's to a new subscription. -


Note:  Nerdio does not perform the preparation and migration of resources from one subscription to the new subscription.  The CSP/distributor will manage the transfer with the partner.  Nerdio is however going to to have re-target the Nerdio account to the new subscription.  This is a backend change and will require the following information for Nerdio to complete the work and allow Nerdio to manage the resources in the new subscription.

  • Subscription ID old and new
  • Subscription NAME old and new
  • Resource Group name old and new (this name can be identical between both subscriptions)

Please email with the list above prior to migrating resources to schedule and coordinate the Nerdio changes.  Please include CSP Subscription Change in the subject line.


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