I Want to Unassign a Desktop

Applies to: Nerdio Private Cloud (NPC) and Nerdio for Azure (NFA)

To unassign a desktop Nerdio license from a user you need to use the "Revert Desktop" action in Nerdio Admin Portal (NAP).  This will delete the desktop and create a new one from the Golden desktop template:


Note: Make sure your Golden desktop image is "Powered off" and set as a template via NAP. This process will take about 30 minutes.

Steps to unassign a Nerdio desktop

  1. Log in to NAP as an IT admin

  2. Log in to your account (say NPC account 1134) and go to the Users module

  3. Locate a user to whom a Nerdio desktop has already been assigned. For example, John Lenon to whom VDI desktop 1134-WS004 is assigned:User_with_desktop_Assigned.png

  4. Expand the corresponding "Action menu" and select "Revert desktop" :Manage_users_expanded.png

  5. You can track the "Revert desktop" task under "User management" section: Revert_john_lenon1.png

  6. Once the task completes, the desktop 1134-WS004 is no longer assigned to John Lenon:desktop_unassigned.png

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