User's Desktop Is Corrupted. How Do I Recover Desktop?

One of the most common issues that comes up in a Windows desktop environment is profile corruption. In the past you may have rebuilt the PC by reinstalling the operating system, which is very time consuming and quite complex, particularly to restore the user's applications and files & folders.

With NAP you have two easy options:

  1. Revert desktop: You can revert the entire desktop to a golden state image with just a click of a button to resolve all Windows desktop issues; or
  2. Revert profile: If the problem is believed to be related to user profile corruption, which is quite common, the profile can be quickly restored from a previous backup version with a single click without affecting the rest of the desktop.

Both options are available on the Users module:

  1. Log in to the Nerdio Admin Portal as an Account Admin or Account IT Admin.
  2. In the left hand menu, click on "Users".
  3. In the "Manage users" section, locate the user. You can use the search box to locate the user quickly.
  4. From the action menu (under Reset password), select option "Revert desktop" or "Revert profile".
  5. You will be prompted to confirm the action you are taking. The revert desktop can take up to an hour and the revert profile task will take about five minutes to complete.

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