I Want to Change User's Password Using Admin Portal


Nerdio users can change their password on their own by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del and selecting "Change password...". In situations where you need to change a user's password, you can use the Users module in the Nerdio Admin Portal.

  1. Log in to the Nerdio Admin Portal as an Account Admin or Account IT Admin.
  2. In the left hand menu, click on "Users".
  3. In the "Manage users" section, locate the user. You can use the search box to locate the user quickly.
  4. From the drop-down menu, select "Reset password".
  5. You will be asked to confirm the action you are taking. Follow the on-screen prompts and change the user's password. The change takes effect immediately. Double-check you are changing the password for the right user before you make the change.

Nerdio Tip
  • Don't see the option to "Prompt the user to change password at next logon"? That's because the user's password is set to never expire. 

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